

Kluge 2016:135-167: Figs 1-6 7-18 19-29 30-57 58-63 64-70 71-78 79-86 87-94 95-98 99-102 103-106 107-112 113-116 117-119 120-121 122-127 128-133 

Figs 95–98. 95–96 Cheleocloeon clavifolium: 95 – larval protogonostyli and subimaginal gonostyli developing under larval cuticle; 96 – subimaginal gonostyli of mature larva. 97–98 Cheleocloeon sp. 1: 97 – subimaginal exuviae of genitals; 98 – genitals of male imago (on the left half, gonovectal muscles shown by interrupted lines, gonovectis shown by interrupted line and stippled, gonoduct shown by stippled line, gonostylar muscle and external pigmentation not shown; at right half gonostylar muscle shown by interrupted lines, gonovectal muscles and gonoduct not shown, external pigmentation shown by stippling; median styligeral muscle shown by interrupted lines, areas of anterior attachment of median paraproctal muscles shown by dotted lines). Abbreviations: gs1, gs2, gs3 – segments of gonostylus; mIX-X – areas of anterior attachment of median paraproctal muscles (i.e., muscles going from sternum IX to common base of paraprocts); usg – unistyliger.