arb.sig. ABC


references: U 

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Ulmer G.

Ubero-Pascal N.A. & Fortuño J.M. & Puig M.A. 2005. * + # _
New application of air-drying techniques for studying Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera eggs by scanning electron microscopy. // Microscopy Research and Technique 68: 264–271. 

Ubero-Pascal N.A. & Pinto P. & Malo J. & Morais M. & Puig M.A. 1999. (-) °
Influência da regulação do caudal sobre a comunidade de Ephemeroptera em quatro rios da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Guadiana. // Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, Suplemento 6: 47–50. 

Ubero-Pascal N.A. & Puig M.A. 2007:15-29 * ' + # _
Egg morphology update based on new chorionic data of Potamanthus luteus (Linnaeus), Ephemera danica Müller and Oligoneuriella rhenana (Imhoff) (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) obtained by scanning electron microscopy. // Zootaxa 1465: 15–29. PDF  

Ubero-Pascal N.A. & Puig M.A. 2007:326-335. * ' + # _
Microscopy and egg morphology of mayflies. // In: Méndez-Vilas A. & Díaz J. (eds). Modern research and educational topics in microsopy. Formatex: 326–335. PDF  

Ubero-Pascal N.A. & Puig M.A. 2009. * ' # _
New type of egg attachment structure in Ephemeroptera and comparative analysis of chorion structure morphology in three species of Ephemerellidae. // Acta Zoologica 90: 87–98. PDF  
  Serratella ignita  
  Serratella spinosa  
  Torleya major  

Ubero-Pascal N.A. & Puig M.A. & Soler A.G. 1998. !! °
Los Efemerópteros de la cuenca del río Segura (S.E. de España): 1. Estudio faunístico. (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). // Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent. 22(1–2): 151–170. 

Ubero-Pascal N. & Sartori M. 2009:XII.Conf.Eph. ' + °
Phylogeny of the genus Teloganopsis Ulmer, 1939 with a redescription of Teloganopsis media Ulmer, 1939 and the description of a new Oriental species (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). // In: International Perspectives in Mayfly and Stonefly Research // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ephemeroptera and the 16th International Symposium on Plecoptera, Stuttgart 2008 // Aquatic Insects 31, Suppl.1: 101–124. PDF 
Teloganopsis media  
  Teloganopsis puigae

Ubero-Pascal N.A. & Soler A.G. & Puig M.Á. 1996. + °
Primera cita de Baetis punicus Thomas, Boumaiza & Soldan, 1983 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) para el continente europeo. // Boln Asoc. Esp. Ent. 20(3–4): 128. 

Uchman A. & Gaigalas A. & Melesyte M. & Kazakauska V. 2007. + °
The trace fossil Asthenopodichnium lithuanicum sp. nov. from Late Neogene brown-coal deposits, Lithuania. // Geol. Quart. 51(3): 329–336.

Ueno M. 1928. ' + °
Some Japanese mayfly nymphs. // Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University (Ser.B) 4(1): 19–63, pl.3–17. PDF  


Ephemera (?) japonica

Potamanthus luteus

? Potamanthus sp.

Rhithrogena japonica sp.n.

Rhithrogena sp.

Iron sp. ?

Ecdyurus japonicus sp.n.

Ecdyurus (sp.nov.?)

Ecdyurus sp.No.1, 2

Epeorus torrentium

Epeorus latifolium sp.n.

Epeorus sp. (sp.nov.?)

Paraleptophlebia (?) cincta

Choroterpes trifurcata sp.n.

Ephemerella longicaudata sp.n.

Ephemerella nigra sp.n.

Ephemerella (?) tuberculata

Ephemerella trispina sp.n.

Caenis sp.

Cloeon dipterum

Baetis bioculatus

? Acentrella (sp. nov.?)

Chirotonetes (?) japonicus

Siphlurus (?) alternatus

Uéno M. 1930. (-) °
[Key to Japanese mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera)]. // Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 1: 27–36. 

Uéno M. 1931:57-59. * ' + °
A new Japanese mayfly. // Lansania 3(24): 57–59. PDF 
  Paraleptophlebia spinosa sp.n.  

Ueno M. 1931:189-231. ' + °
Contribution to the knowledge of Japanese Ephemeroptera. // Annotationes Zoologicae Japoneses 13(3): 189–231, pl.12–13. PDF  


Polymitarcys shigae
Epeorus latifolium
Bleptus fasciatus
Ecdyonurus japonicus
Ecdyonurus tobiironis
Rhithrogena japonica
Siphlonurus binotatus

Ameletus montanus
Dipteromimus tipuliformis
Baetis bioculatus
Centroptilum rotundunm
Baetiella japonica
Ephemerella trispina
? nigra

Uéno M. 1931:91-104. ' + °
Einige neue Ephemeropteren und Pleclopteren aus Mittel-Japan. // Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 13(2): 91–104. PDF 
  Baetis thermicus sp.n.  
  Baetis shinanonis sp.n.  
  Iron nipponicus sp.n.  

Uéno M. 1931:210-216. * ' + °
Some notes on the mayfly-fauna of Formosa. // Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 21(115): 210–216. PDF 

Uéno M. 1931:105-110. ' + °
Mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies collected in Kamikôchi and its surrounding districts, Prov. of Shinano. // Kontyû 5(3): 105–110. PDF  

Uéno M. 1935. * ' + °
A fossil insect nymph from Jehol. // Report of the First Scientific Expedition to Manchoukuo, Sect.2, Pt.2: 1–6, 3 pl. PDF 
Ephemeropsis trisetalis  

Uéno M. 1935. !! °
[Animal life of the Azusa River System, Prov. of Shinano, Middle Japan. With an account of fishes by D. Miyadi.] 182 pp. 

Ueno M. 1935. + °
Baetinae nymph (ord. Ephemeroptera). // In: report of the First scientific expedition to Manchoukuo. Sect.1, div.1, pt.7, art.23.

Uéno M. 1938. * + °
[Stoneflies and mayflies collected in Okinawa, Ryuku Islands.] // Biogeographica 3: 92–99, 1 pl.

Uéno M. 1941. * + °
[Some Manchurian mayflies]. // Mushi 14(1): 15–20. 

Uéno M. 1950. ' + °
Ephemeroptera. // Icongraphia Insectorum Japonicorum, Tokyo: 120–130. PDF 

Uéno M. 1955. * ' + °
Mayfly nymphs. // In: Kihara H. (ed.). Fauna and flora of Nepal Himalaya. Scientific results of the Japanese Expedition ot Nepal Himalaya. 1952–1953. Fauna and Flora Research Society, Kyoto: 301–316, pl.1–10. PDF 

Uéno M. 1959. ' + °
Mayfly and stonefly nymphs. // Illustrated Insect Larvae of Japan: 44–58. PDF  

Uéno M. 1961. * ' + °
Mayflies of Thailand. // Nature and Life in Southeast Asia 1: 207–208. PDF  

Uéno M. 1966. ' + °
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) collected by the Kyoto University Pamir-Hindukush Expedition 1960. // Results of the Kyoto University Scientific Expedition to the Karakoram and Hindukush, 1955 (Kyoto) 8: 299–326. PDF 


1.Ameletus alexandrae

2.Ecdyonurus sp.(a)

3.Ecdyonurus sp.(b)

4.Epeorus (Iron) sp.

5.Rhithrogena sp.

6.Baetis noshaqensis sp.n.

7.Cloeon zimini

8.Ephemerella sp.

Ueno M. 1969. * ' + °
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from various regions of Southeast Asia. // Oriental Insects 3: 221–238. PDF  


1.Dipteromimus tipuliformis
2.Baetis sacishimensis sp.n.
3.Baetis sp. (No. 1)
4.Baetis sp. (No. 2, new species?)
5.Baetls sp. (No. 3)

6.Baetiella japonica
7.Cloeon marginale
8.Cloeon bimaculatum
9.Rhithrogena parva
10.Ecdyonurus hyalinus

11.Ecdyonurus sp.
12.Paegniodes cupulatus
13.Chiusanophlebia asahinai gen.sp.n.
14.Potamanthodes formosus
15.Ephemera javana

16.Ephemera formosana
17.Ephemera purpurata
18.Ephemera siamensis sp.n.
19.Ephemera sauteri

Ueno T. 1995. ??
Nishiharimachihou niokeru Togeerakagerou-zoku 2syu ni tsuite [On the larvae of genus Thraulus from Nishi-harima District, central Japan]. // Hyogo Fresh-water Biology 46: 25–27. (in Japanese)

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Metreletus hungaricus
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The mayflies of Hungary, with the description of a new species, Baëtis pentaphlebodes sp.n. (Ephemeroptera). // Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hongaricae 12(1–2): 203–210. PDF 

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Adatok néhány rovarrend bakonyi elterjedéséhez. // A Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 14: 85–93.

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The Ephemeroptera of the Hortobagy National Park. // Fauna Hortobagy Nat. Park 2: 79.

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Ulanoski J.T. & McDiffett W.F. 1972. !! _
Diurnal variation in respiration of mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera). // Physiological Zoölogy 45(2): 97–105. 

Ulfstrand S. 1967. !! °
Microdistribution of benthic species (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera: Simuliidae) in Lapland streams. // Oikos 18(2): 293–310.

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Life cycles of benthic insects in Lapland streams (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera Simullidae). // Oikos 19: 167–190.

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Benthic animal communities in Lapland streams. A field study with particular reference to Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichopteraand Diptera Simullidae. // Oikos. Suplement 10: 1–120.

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Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera from River Vindelälven in Swedish Lapland. With a discussion of the significance of nutritional and competitive factors for the life cycles. // Entomologisk Tidskrift 90: 145–165.

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Diversity and some other parameters of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera communities in subarctic running waters. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 76(4): 499–520.

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Composition and diversity of benthic species collectives colonizing implanted substrates in a South Swedish stream. // Ent. Scand. 5: 115–122.

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Ulmer G.

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Upholt W.M. 1936. * ' + °
A new species of mayfly from California (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). // Pan-Pacific Entomologist 12(3): 120–122. PDF  
Callibaetis hebes sp.n.  

Upholt W.M. 1937. * ' + °
Two new mayflies from the Pacific coast. // Pan-Pacific Entomologist 13(1–2): 85–88. PDF 
  Hexagenia californica sp.n.  
  Callibaetis traverae sp.n.   

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