


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Branchitergaliae
Heptagennota Pentamerotarsata Radulapalpata 
Epeorus/fg1Rhithrogena/fg2CinygmulaRhithrogena/fg3 - Himalogena)

Nomen hierarchicum: Himalogena/g(1) [g:2004]

In circumscription fits:

— species Rhithrogena tianshanica Brodsky 1930: 713

— Himalogena/g(1): Kluge 2004: 195

References. Brodsky 1930 (Rh. tianshanica): *; – Kluge 1995; – 2004: * * *; – Kluge 2015: * * *

Autapomorphy of Himalogena.

(1) Maxillae are modified as biting, with all 3 canines and distal dentiseta elongated and heavily sclerotized (Kluge 2015: Fig.49-51); in some species mandibles are also modified for biting.

Characters of Himalogena of unclear phylogenetic status. 

(2) In imago and subimago 1st segment of fore tarsus is relatively long, not less than 1/2 of 2nd segment. Among Rhithrogena/fg3 the same in Epeiron, unlike Rhithrogena/fg4 and Sibirigena; the same in majority of mayflies.

(3) Each penis lobe is more or less tubular, with gonopore apically; sides near apex bear spines or denticles, including latero-dorsal [see Pentamerotarsata (5)] and medio-dorsal ones; titillators [ventral – see Rhithrogena/fg3 (5)] are always well-developed. The same in Rhithrogena/fg4, unlike Sibirigena and Epeiron.

(4) All species have similar coloration (see original description for Rh. tianshanica) and incised margins of all tergalii I–VII [see Rhithrogena/fg3 (3)] (Sinitshenkova 1973: Fig.1). The same in some Rhithrogena/fg4.

Variable characters of Himalogena. Larvae of some species (stackelbergi [Rh.], nepalensis [Rh.], gunti [Rh.]) have mandibles and labrum usual for Rhithrogena/fg3, while larvae of other species (tianshanica [Rh.], pamirica [Rh.], carnivora [Rh.]) have mouthapparatus highly specialized for carnivorism (Kluge 2015: Fig.85-86). Imaginal and subimaginal claws can be either ephemeropteroid (in tianshanica [Rh.], stackelbergi [Rh.] and semicarnivora [Rh.]), or pointed (in nepalensis [Rh.], gunti [Rh.], pamirica [Rh.] and carnivora [Rh.]) (see Variable characters of Heptagennota and Index of characters [2.2.85]).

Size. Fore wing length 10–15 mm.

Distribution. High mountains of Middle and Central Asia: Hissar Range, Tien-Shan and Himalayas.

Nominal species in Himalogena/g(1): 

angulata Braasch 1980 [Rhithrogena] — syn.subj. stackelbergi [Rhithrogena]

asiatica Sinitshenkova 1973 [Rhithrogena] — syn.subj. stackelbergi [Rhithrogena]

carnivora Kluge 2015 [Rhithrogena (Himalogena)] --/

gunti Kluge 2015 [Rhithrogena (Himalogena)] --/

nepalensis Braasch 1984 [Rhithrogena] ,--

pamirica Kluge 2015 [Rhithrogena (Himalogena)] --/

semicarnivora Kluge 2015 [Rhithrogena (Himalogena)] -- 

stackelbergi Sinitshenkova 1973 [Rhithrogena] --/

tianshanica Brodsky 1930 [Rhithrogena] — typus nominis Himalogena --/

See also:

Rhithrogena/fg3 INCERTAE SEDIS

Radulapalpata INCERTAE SEDIS
