


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Furcatergaliae  
Fimbriatotergaliae Potamanthus/fg1
pm RhoenanthusPotamanthus-fg2 - Anthopotamus)

Nomen hierarchicum: Anthopotamus/g(1) [g:1990]

In circumscription fits:

— gen. Anthopotamus McCafferty & Bae 1990: 201

— Anthopotamus/g(1): Kluge 2004: 223

References. McCafferty & Bae 1990: * *; – Bae & McCafferty 1991: * *; – Kluge 2004: * * * *

Character of Anthopotamus of unclear phylogenetic status.

(1) Mandibular tusks [see Potamanthus/fg1 (7)] are long, much longer than mandibles themselves. The same in some Rhoenanthus/g1; probably symplesiomorphy.

Size. Fore wing length 7–15 mm. 

Distribution. Eastern Nearctic.

Nominal species in Anthopotamus/g(1): 

 betteni Morgan 1913 [Potamanthus] — syn.subj. verticis [Baetis]

 diaphanus Needham 1907 [Potamanthus] — syn.subj. verticis [Baetis

 disjunctus Bae & McCafferty 1991 [Anthopotamus neglectus]  

 distinctus Traver (in Needham & Traver & Hsu) 1935 [Potamanthus]

 flaveola Walsh 1862 [Ephemera] — syn.subj. verticis [Baetis]

 inequalis Needham 1908 [Potamanthus] — syn.subj. myops [Ephemera]

 medius Banks 1908 [Potamanthus] — syn.subj. myops [Ephemera]

 myops Walsh 1863 [Ephemera]

 neglectus Traver (in Needham & Traver & Hsu) 1935 [Potamanthus]

 rufous Argo 1927 [Potamanthus] — syn.subj. myops [Ephemera]

 verticis Say 1839 [Baetis] — typus nominis Anthopotamus ,/

 walkeri Ide 1935 [Potamanthus] — syn.subj. verticis [Baetis]
