


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Furcatergaliae  
Leptophlebia/fg1 Atalophleboadentata Atalophlebopectinata Atalophleboculata Atalophlebomaxillata Atalophlebolinguata 
... Hagenulus/fg1 Hermanellandria - Hermanellonota)

Nomen circumscribens: Hermanellonota Kluge 2008

Nomen hierarchicum: Hermanella/f2=g1 [f:2008; g:1924] (incl. Farrodes, Simothraulopsis, Homothraulus)

In circumscription fits:

— Hermanellonota = Hermanella/fg1 = Hermanellini Kluge 2008: 387

References. Kluge 2008: * * *.

Autapomorphies of Hermanellonota.

1) Cuticle of subimaginal mesonotum lost pigmented areas characteristic for other Leptophlebia/fg1 [see Leptophlebia/fg1 (3)]; medioparapsidal suture, being not bordered by pigmened area, in its posterioir part does not become shallower and reaches median suture; parascutellum is directly connected with lateroscutum, without membranous area between them. Unique apomorphy. In most species mesonotal cuticle is non-pigmented; in species with well-pigmented subimaginal mesonotal cuticle (among species examined – in saltensis [Hydrosmilodon]) its colour pattern sharply differs from all other Leptophlebia/fg1: medioparapsidal suture represent a wide colourless stripe, bordered by pigmented medioscutum and submedioscutum (Kluge 2008: Fig.29).

In some species of Leptophlebia/fg1, not belonging to Hermanella/fg1, mesonotal subimaginal cuticle can be colourless, so they can be confused with Hermanella/fg1; these species can be distinguished from Hermanella/fg1 if observe their translucent subimaginal exuviae at various kinds of light: at some light there are visible outlines of areas corresponding to the pigmented areas initial for Leptophlebia/fg1, while in Hermanella/fg1 these areas are absent completely and can not be seen at any light.

Characters of Hermanellonota of unclear phylogenetic status. 

(2) Among denticles on inner side of larval claw [see Leptophlebia/fg1 (9)], most distal denticle is often much larger than others. Non-unique apomorphy (see Index of characters [1.2.21]). Among Hermanellonota, in Traverella, in mikei [Hydrosmilodon] and in chimaera [Hermanella] the distalmost denticle is not larger than others; probably, this is a secondary condition.

(3) MP of hind wing has no fork (see Index of characters [2.2.69]); at the same time, hind wing is not vestigial, with at least one well-developed vein behind MP.

Plesiomorphies of Hermanellonota

Size. Fore wing length ?–? mm.

Distribution. Neotropical Region.

The taxon Hermanellonota (or Hermanella/fg1) is divided into:

1. Hermanellognatha (or Hermanella/fg2)

1.1. Hermanella/fg3

1.2. Traverella  

1.3. Needhamella  

1.4. Leentvaria

1.5. Hylister

2. Simothraulopsis/g1

3. Farrodes

4. ?Homothraulus

5. ?Ecuaphlebia