


(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna Bidentiseta Furcatergaliae  
Leptophlebia/fg1 Atalophleboadentata - Calliarcys)

Nomen hierarchicum: Calliarcys/fg(1) [f:2009; g:1881]

In circumscription fits:

— genus Calliarcys Eaton 1881: 21

References. Eaton 1883–1888: ; – Peters & Edmunds 1970: ; – Peters & Terra 1974:

Autapomophies of Calliarcys

(1) Hypopharynx with a pair of rounded projections by sides near apex. Besides Calliarcys, lateral projections of hypopharynx, but of another shape, are present in Atalophlebolinguata.

Characters of Calliarcys of unclear phylogenetic status. 

(2) Hind wing is diminished; it has well-developed costal projection near middle of wing; costal field distad of costal projection is strongly narrowed (see Index of characters [2.2.61-62]).

(3) Branches of all tergalii I–VII [see Leptophlebia/fg1 (10)] are separated at a distance from base, not widened. The same in Neoleptophlebia, Habrophlebiodes, Dipterophlebiodes, Habrophlebia/fg1 and some others.

Plesiomorphies of Calliarcys.  

Labrum with stout setae on anterior margin (unlike Atalophleboculata); setae on surface of labrum do not form regular rows (unlike Atalophlebopectinata). 

Maxilla [lacking canines – see Atalophleboadentata (1)] retains both dentisetae, proximal dentiseta has slender processes only (unlike distinctly pectinate in Atalophlebopectinata). 

In larva, imago and subimago patella-tibial suture is developed on middle and hind legs, being absent on fore legs only (see Index of characters [1.2.18], ibid. [2.2.82]). 

Imaginal and subimaginal claws of all legs are ephemeropteroid (see Index of characters [2.2.85]).

Size. Fore wing length 6–9 mm.

Distribution. Iberian Peninsula and Turkey.

Nominal species in Calliarcys/g(1): 1 species

antiquus Godunko & Alba‑Tercedor & Staniczek (in Godunko & Alba‑Tercedor & Grabowski & Rewicz & Staniczek) 2022 [Calliarcys]

humilis Eaton 1881 [Calliarcys]  — typus nominis Calliarcys ,,/

van Godunko & Bauernfeind (in Godunko & Sroka & Soldán & Bojková) 2015 [Calliarcys]

See also:

Leptophlebia/fg1 INCERTAE SEDIS