

Baetovectata, or Baetis/fg6

(Panephemeroptera Euephemeroptera Euplectoptera Anteritorna pm.Tridentiseta  
Tetramerotarsata Liberevenata Turbanoculata
 Anteropatellata - Baetovectata)

Nomen circumscribens: Baetovectata Kluge & Novikova 2011

Nomen hierarchicum: Baetis/fg6 [fg:1815] (sine Cloeon; incl. Callibaetis)  

In circumscription fits:

— Baetovectata = Baetis/fg6: Kluge & Novikova 2011

References. Kluge & Novikova 2011: * * *

Autapomorphies of Baetovectata.

(1) Marginal intercalary veins of fore wing [see Liberevenata (2)] are two in each space (Kluge & Novikova 2011: Fig.29, 198). Sometimes in selected fields or even in all fields only one intercalary is present (in selected representatives of Callibaetis/fg1, Cloeodes/g1); in this case the intercalary is often situated not in the middle of the space (but sometimes in the middle, in this case it has no difference from primitive Liberevenata). Unlike Baetovectata, in all other Liberevenata each spaces has no more than one intercalary.

(2) Penis has peculiar shape of gonovectes [see Liberevenata (4)]: they are narrow, arched, deeply invagined into IX abdominal segment (Kluge & Novikova 2011: Fig.1–3, 38, 70, 77, 87, 96, 109, 114, 132, 140, 149, 161, 162, 197). In subimago gonovectes are already sclerotized, so that sclerotized gonovectes are distinguishable on subimaginal exuviae (unlike other mayflies, whose subimaginal cuticle has no sclerotized internal penial arms). Exception is made by chasntauensis [Baetis], whose gonovectes are thick and only slightly arched (Kluge & Novikova 2011: Fig.57, 60-61).

(3) In mature larva ready to moult to subimago, buds of subimaginal gonostyli are folded under larval cuticle in such a manner, that 2nd segment of gonostylus as a whole is directed caudally or medially, but not laterally (unlike other Turbanoculata). Probably the primitive condition for Baetovectata is a "Nigrobaetis-type", when the 2nd segment as a whole is directed caudally; in this case the 2nd segment can be either diped into 1st segment, or can be curved by its convexity medially, so that its proximal part is directed medially and apex laterally. Derived are the "Baetis-type", "Labiobaetis-type" and "Acentrella-type", when the 2nd and 3rd segments are directed medially  (Kluge 2004: Fig.29:G-I) [see Turbanoculata (13)].

Size. Fore wing length 2–12 mm (see Tetramerotarsata).

Distribution. World-wide, except for New Zealand.

The taxon Baetovectata (or Baetis/fg6) is divided into:

1. Baetoungulata, or Baetis/fg7

2. Callibaets/fg1
3. Cloeodes/g1 

4. Varipes

5. Waltzoyphius 

6. Aturbina

7. Paracloeodes/g

8. Apobaetis

9. Centroptella/g1

Some taxa, known as adults only, have uncertain systematic position