

Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles & Novikova 2018: Figs 1-4 5-9 10-16 17-27 28-33 34-40 41-46 47-51 52-57 58-61 62-68 69-77 78-86 87-90 91-96 97-104 105-108 109-110 111-1114


Figs 62–68. Last instar larvae of Susua niandanensis from Zambia. 62 – exuviae of labium; 63 – base of labium with focus on ventral side; 64 – the same with focus on dorsal side; 65 – detached cuticle of mail head with labrum, mandibles and bases of antennae (with subimaginal antennae inside); 66 – apex of maxilla (with focus on dentisetae and inner-dorsal row of setae); 67–68 – left and right mandibles. Abbreviation: d-l – dorso-lateral sclerite.