

Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles 2017: Figs 1-4 5-9 10-15 16-19 20-22 23-30 31-36 37-39 40-44 45-50 51-55 56-59 60-65 66-75 76-83 84-95 96-103 104-107 108-113 114-118 119-124 125-132 133-134

Figs 5–9. Crassabwa flava. 5 – labium (at left ventral view, with muscles of glossa, paraglossa and palp shown by interrupted lines; at right dorsal view); 6 – apex of maxilla, dorsal view; 7 – dentisetae and setae of inner-dorsal row of another individual; 8 and 9 – left and right mandible of penultimolarva with developing ultimolarval mandibles inside. Abbreviations: ds1, ds2, ds3 – dentisetae.