

Kluge & Bernal Vega 2018: Figs 5-15 16-21 22-24 25-33 34-43 44-47 48-52 53-55 56-61 62-70 71-76 77-84 85-88 89-95 96-101 102-104


Fig. 25–33. Legs of Moribaetis maculipennis. 25–27 – larval fore, middle and hind legs; 28 – fragment of fore tibia of female subimago; 29 – the same, another specimen; 30 – fragment of middle tibia of female subimago; 31–32 – fragments of fore and middle leg of female subimago; 33 – fragment of femur of larval fore leg (25–27 and 29–32, the same individual). Abbreviation: pt-ti – patella-tibial suture.