

Kluge 2017: Figs 1-5 6-12 13-17 18-25 26-31 32-36 37-57 58-62 63-68 69-75 76-81 82-85 86-91 92-97 98-103 104-109 110-115 116-118 119-132 133-135 136-138 139-144 145-146

Figs 13–17. Cloeodes vibratorius. 13 – labial palp; 14 – labium (left half in ventral view with muscles shown by interrupted lines; right half in dorsal view); 15 – paraprocts; 16 – tibia of fore leg, anterior view (seta and suture on opposite side shown by interrupted lines; only two setae of proximal arched row are shown); 17 – tarsus of hind leg, view from outer side (13 – holotype).