

Kluge 2016:135-167: Figs 1-6 7-18 19-29 30-57 58-63 64-70 71-78 79-86 87-94 95-98 99-102 103-106 107-112 113-116 117-119 120-121 122-127 128-133 

Figs 99–102. Genitals of Cheleocloeon clavifolium. 99–100 – cuticle treated with alkali, ventral view: 99 – with focus on gonovectes; 100 – with focus on unistyligers. 101 – cuticle of left half of penis treated by alkali; 102 – left half of penis with muscles and gonoduct. Abbreviations: ap – apodeme served for attachment of gonovectal muscle; gd – gonoduct; gv – gonovectis; pb – penial bridge.